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The Power of Resilience in Business

By JIFU Success No Comments

Building metaphorical strength can be the difference between failure and success, whether personally or in the context of business. This metaphorical strength is sometimes called resilience. 

Resilience is defined by psychologists as the “process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress.” In business, this means that your company can adjust to difficult situations, whether that be because of the job market or a dip in the economy, without losing critical functionality. 

The business market is more unpredictable than ever before, and prioritizing resilience is unprecedentedly important. An obvious example of this can be seen in the current pandemic that threatens even the most stable of businesses. The companies that have been able to pull through and even thrive are the ones that have been flexible. 

Any national or international crisis that disrupts extended global supply chains or contributes to the breakdown of economic activity can spell disaster, especially for small startups. However, building resiliency can be difficult because the leadership has to forgo a certain amount of short-term productivity for long-term adaptability. Identifying threats and potential risks that do not yet exist is another obstacle to overcome. 

The Harvard Business Review’s “six principles of long-lasting systems”:

1. Redundancy
2. Diversity
3. Modularity
4. Adaptability
5. Prudence
6. Embeddedness

It is nearly impossible to measure or check resilience. The majority of companies already engage in risk management, but even the most comprehensive risk management systems often only tackle “specific and known risks.” 

The concept can seem abstract at first glance, but think about companies whose business strategies have paid off. Some examples include Eric Kiariwala’s Capsule or the extremely successful Uber. Both of these companies saw a profit in 2020 despite all the challenges that were thrown at them.

Let us know which of these tips you plan on acting on in 2021 in the comments below! 


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Read further:

Harvard Business Review 


American Psychological Association 

How to Design a Proper Workplace

By JIFU Success One Comment

Despite all of the challenges that 2020 brought, businesses have learned how valuable it is to be flexible and be able to pivot quickly. A huge part of this is employees having to work outside the office in their homes. Individuals and companies alike have discovered that productivity can remain high even outside the office.  While this may be a different experience for some people, affiliate marketers have been doing remote work for years. As an affiliate marketing company, JIFU wants to share how to make your home office into the ideal workspace. 


It is important to make sure that you have the equipment necessary to successfully work at home. A perk of working for a company in their office space is that they usually supply all the things you will need, but that is not always the case when it comes to remote office work. Be sure to get a comfortable chair so that you can comfortably work on projects without injuring your body.

Often overlooked is a great Bluetooth mouse and keyboard. Find a mouse and keyboard that is compatible with your work style and will be pleasant to work with for hours at a time. With Zoom and web chat meetings becoming the norm it is important to consider your webcam quality and decide if it would be worth it to invest in a good external chat camera. Additionally, good internet connection is one of the most valuable things a remote worker can have. Decide what company could offer you the best connection and consider upgrading to fiber optics if possible. 


Another valuable thing to consider when setting up an at-home work space is the design of the space. People are more impacted by their surroundings than they like to admit, so it is important to think about the aesthetics of your office space. If possible, put your desk near an area that has lots of natural light. This can also increase your quality of light when it comes to digital meetings and chats. 

Be sure that you are not backlit in your video chats, and situating your desk in front of a window is a great way to do this. If it is not possible, strategically position lamps and light fixtures for premium viewability. A popular way to liven a room up is adding plants and greenery to the space. 


Here are some additional tips to increase your at-home efficiency. Maintaining a clean and tidy workplace is important, even if no other people are going to see it. Another great tip is to keep your work and living areas as separate as you can. Even if these areas overlap, it is important to have a section of your house solely devoted to your work.

 With this comes maintaining office hours. Not only with this help the other people you work with know when they can reach you, but it will help your brain remain focused for a scheduled amount of time. A benefit that comes with working from home is that you can dress more casually than you would in an office setting. However, it is still good to get dressed in the morning to set the expectation for yourself throughout the day. 

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The Most Important Financial Tips for 2021

By Financial Success No Comments

2021 is a chance to reevaluate your financial situation and work towards a more secure future. It is never too late to get your financial house in order. You work hard, so why not save the fruits of your labor and invest wisely in yourself? We have compiled a list of a few simple tips to help you make this year more stable than the last. 

Order Out Less

Saving money does not have to be a big, daunting task. Start small by bringing your lunch with you to work, or deciding to make a meal at home instead of ordering delivery. If frequent eating out is your vice, try slowly weaning yourself off of take out. Cut out one day of ordering, and you will be surprised at how much money you end up saving. According to a report aggregate by Statista, the average American, aged 45 to 54 years old, spent an average of 4,157 U.S. dollars on eating out. Implementing this small change could help and you may end up eating healthier too!

Workout at Home

During 2020, most people were forced to think outside of the gym when looking to exercise. This may have been a big change for some who rely on the equipment provided by the gym, but there is a hidden benefit of working out at home. You don’t have to pay the often steep monthly charge that gyms often charge! Some people need a change of scenery in order to feel motivated to get their sweat on. If this rings true to you, think about going to a park or running outside for some extra fresh air!  

Banish Recurring Charges

Keep a strict eye on how many recurring charges are being run through your checking account. Recurring charges are services like Netflix subscriptions and Apple Music that charge you automatically every month for access. It can be easy to forget to cancel a subscription that you no longer use. This simple mistake can cost you! For example, if you pay for Netflix and Amazon Prime, you would be spending about 312 USD annually for entertainment. If you regularly use these services, it may be worth it. However, if you don’t use them, that is a sizeable amount of money wasted throughout the year.

Think Outside of the Box

Last year taught us all that even the best laid plans go wrong. Being able to think outside of the box became one of the most valuable skill sets a person can have. Whether it is with something like cryptocurrency or using ecommerce to its full potential, there are opportunities to make money for those willing to look for them. Taking risks can be uncomfortable, but the best things often come when steps are taken out of your comfort zone. 

These are just a few tricks to help you on your financial journey. Remember to hold yourself accountable and set realistic goals.  Be sure to let us know what plans you have for your financial future in the comments below! 


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5 of the Best Things to Do in Mexico

By JIFUtravel, Travel Motivation, Travel Tips No Comments

JIFU loves Mexico and our Mexican affiliates, so we thought that we would put together some of the best activities and adventures to have in the amazing country of Mexico. Be sure to click the links to be taken to our Travel Portal.

One of the best cities to visit is Mexico City. It has some of the most interesting history and tourists often have access to the rich culture of the area. One of the most fascinating and often overlooked sights in Mexico City is its street art. Put on your walking shoes and prepare to see some beautiful murals and learn some historical context along the way.

Cancun, Quintana Roo

 One of the most popular tourist attractions in Mexico is Chichen Itza in the Yucatan Peninsula. It is worth it to take a guided tour of the area. Relying on professionals will offer any visitor an in-depth look at such a valuable historical site. You will discover a city that was key in the development of the Mayan civilization and learn about the captivating history of the area. 

Epic AdventureEpic Adventure

Mexico is famous for its beaches, and one of the best beaches to relax and explore is in Puerto Vallarta’s Colomitos Beach. The beach is one of the smaller ones in the state, but this is a hidden jewel that should not be skipped over. There are hiking and snorkeling opportunities, but it is also the perfect place to relax and soak up the sun. 


Cabo San Lucas is always a popular spot, but many people forget that there is so much to see and do. Securing a private whale watching tour will be sure to result in unforgettable memories and an awe-inspiring experience. Be sure that time is taken to see the Arch of Cabo San Lucas, a distinctive rock formation at the southern tip. The pacific ocean offers stunning views and incredibly rich marine life, something that Mexico is very proud of. 


 Whenever visiting Mexico, it is imperative that you take the time to appreciate some of the country’s most famous exports; tequila. One of the most interesting and enjoyable ways to do this is

by booking a tequila tasting in Guadalajara, Jalisco. The state is Mexico’s premier blue agave producer. Throw in a little bit of Mezcal, a distilled alcoholic beverage made from the blue agave. Not only is the tequila tasty, but the tasting is a true educational, cultural, and friendly experience.


It is never too early to begin planning your next epic travel adventure. As you can see, Mexico has many beautiful opportunities to create the experience of your dreams. Stay tuned for JIFU’s special promotional chance to live out your wildest dreams…..and it may or may not have something to do with Mexico! Follow our social media to stay up to date!

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New Year- New You?

By JIFU Success No Comments

It’s the same old trope, the one that has come out of nearly everyone’s mouth at some point. While the beginning of a new calendar year can be a great opportunity to reset and refocus, it’s important to realize that nothing will change if you don’t try. If you actually want to make a tangible change in your life, use these helpful tips to actualize your goals in the new year.

Flexibility is Important

Remember when you set goals in the beginning of january that your circumstances throughout the year may change, which could lead to a change in your overall goal. Being kind to yourself and allowing for your objective to change as time moves forward is a very valuable tool. However, it is important to make sure that you are being truthful with yourself about how things might have changed, and adjust accordingly. 

Build on Past Positivity

Think about some things that you like about yourself, or something that you already do that you would like to expand on. For example, if you already exercise two days a week, that’s a great start! Don’t disparage the work that you have already done, just expand on it. Set a goal of increasing your workouts to three or four days a week. The “new” you can only exist if you take some of your positive actions and traits into the new year with you. 

Take Accountability

Holding yourself accountable is possibly one of the most valuable things you can do. Being truthful with yourself about what you are doing (or not doing) to achieve your goals is vastly important. If you feel yourself start to slip, it’s okay, just evaluate the situation. Why are you struggling? What is holding you back from doing the best you can? Is this goal important to me any more? Why or why not? Becoming comfortable with being honest with yourself will help you become more efficient. 

Be Realistic 

Another great thing to keep in mind is to make realistic goals for your “new” self. Don’t choose something that is completely out of reach or unattainable. Dream big, but make sure that you are not setting yourself up for failure. Work towards your big goal by setting your yearly goal up in a way that will put you in a position to achieve the ultimate dream. Consider things like what you have time for and how much work you are willing to put into making yourself a better person.  

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2021 New Year’s Resolutions

By Personal Development No Comments

“What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.” -Vern Mclellan

The end of a year signifies a conclusion to 12 months of goal-setting, achievements, and life lived. Here at JIFU, we encourage our members and affiliates to take an inventory of the past 365 days. What went well? What could be improved on? These are two good questions to ask in regards to the past. However, the end of 2020 brings the inevitable arrival of 2021, which in itself offers another chance to improve ourselves and our businesses. The start of a new calendar year can be the ideal time to begin to implement new strategies that will help you conquer your goals. Be sure to read our previous journal post which offers a few tips on how to implement self reflection into your end-of-the-year routine. 2020 is the perfect example of how sometimes things do not go the way we thought they would. Being able to be flexible and easily pivot to meet new challenges and circumstances is essential in any new year resolution.

As a company, JIFU has been able to use the challenges brought our way as fuel for inspiration. Out of necessity comes innovation, and this year we took that phrase to heart. Previously only known for our travel discount services, JIFU has expanded to include three other massive business trends: cryptocurrency, ecommerce, and self development. Moving into the new year, JIFU is wishing you the best of luck in all your endeavors. Take with you the blessings and lessons from 2020, but venture into 2021 with a fresh mindset, ready to take on the new year. Leave a comment below letting us know what your new year’s resolutions are and what your plan is to achieve them. Happy 2021!

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Five Obscure Deserts

By JIFUtravel No Comments

Many people around the world are bundled up and huddled down for a long winter. Here in the Western United States, we are dreaming of the sun’s warm rays and short sleeve tops despite several months left of winter. Until the first snowmelt, we have compiled a list of some of the world’s most gorgeous and often overlooked deserts. 

Visualize Your Success

By JIFU Success, Personal Development No Comments

Believing in your own success is the most important, but often overlooked, part of actually achieving your goals. Visualization is the very beginning of creation. Whatever it is that you want to create in your life, the wholehearted belief that you will make it happen is a valuable tool in your pursuit of success.These are some of the most helpful tips to help you get on your way to mastering the skill of visualization from Wired For Greatness

“Visualization naturally has to do with the mind and requires the use of both imagination and cognitive processes working together in unison.”

Wired for Greatness

Flex your creativity by using your imagination to create images that encapsulate the best version of your future. Ensure that these images aren’t static and that you incorporate a shifting perspective into your visualization. 

While creativity is an integral part of this process, you must not forget to use the logical part of your mind. Picture that you are actually experiencing the environment in the future that you so desperately desire. This includes everything from sight to smell and feel. This may seem silly, but realize that these small details are what memories are made up of, so it makes sense to add them into your visualization practice. 

With visualization, you are working to make your future a reality. The more you can visualize the future you desire, the more likely you are to create this future for yourself and others around you. 

Listed below are the steps to creating a visualization success story. Download the JIFU2.0 app for more details on how to perfect each step in the process. 


Setting the Stage

Picture the Goal

How are you Feeling?

Add in Faith

Now Step Back

Visualization is a sort of meditative thought practice that sets an intention. It also comes with several positive side effects, one being that you can experience less stress. Just having a clear vision and steps to take will erase much of the worry out of your life. You become more open to changes and different opportunities. 

Additionally, you will be able to focus better because you have a set list of intentional goals to direct your energy towards. In this way, you will become more confident in your everyday life. Feeling inspired to work towards a goal will give your days more meaning and intention. Instead of haphazardly blundering through life, you will have a particular future that each of your actions are meant to make happen. 

These are only a few small steps that can help you get to where you want to be in life, whether that be a personal or professional goal. Visualization is a valuable tool in any aspiring entrepreneur’s toolbelt. Envision your success and make it happen!  

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Self Reflection Tips

By JIFUlife, Personal Development No Comments

As we near the end of 2020, it’s important to look back and consider the past year’s accomplishments. A massive part of that is integrating self reflection into your end-of-the-year rituals. At the beginning of any year, JIFU urges our members and affiliates to visualize their success and the fruition of their goal accomplishments throughout the coming months, and this year was no exception.

Wired for Greatness is a handbook written by JIFU’s co-founder Jeffery Boyle, in which he offers advice on how to live a more epic life. Module four is dedicated to manifesting your ultimate desires with visualization, and we refer back to this text often. Self reflection is all about taking account of the results of your actions. Whether in business or personal life, taking the time to reflect is not only healthy, but can aid you in changing the way you approach new opportunities. Here are some valuable questions that can assist in any self reflection practice. 

What Were My Goals?

Think back to previous goals you have set for yourself. Were you able to achieve them to your own standard? Consider every goal, even ones that you no longer wish to work towards. Failed projects, pivoted plans, and otherwise unsuccessful endeavors are also an important part of self reflections. 

What Changed? 

Even the most perfectly laid plans go awry, and you can glean valuable lessons from what went wrong. Ask yourself what change occurred that may have affected your actions and execution. That way, you will be more prepared when the same curve ball is thrown at you and your team. 

What is Outside of my Control?

Oftentimes, factors outside of your control force a change of direction. The only thing you can do when this happens is ensure that your reactions appropriately shift. This is true in business and in everyday personal life, and you can learn a lot from your reaction to outside influences.

What Could I Have Controlled?

On the other hand, we have more control over situations than we realize. Ask yourself what steps you took to achieve a goal so that you can replicate the process in the future. Similarly, thinking back to times when things didn’t go as planned can offer valuable insight into what to avoid in the future. 

These are only a few questions that can help you get started with your end of the year self reflection. Let us know other questions and actions you can take to successfully wrap up your 2020 and move forward into a more successful new year.

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Exploring Winter Wonderlands

By Travel Motivation, Travel Tips No Comments

JIFU knows that it’s never too early to start planning vacations for 2021, and that sometimes the best form of travel is through your computer screen. We wanted to share some of our favorite places to visit in the wintertime. These are places that shine most brilliantly in the colder months, from snow capped mountain peaks to stunning icicle-covered landscapes. Snuggle in deeper to your comfiest blankets and prepare to be wowed by the beauty of our natural world.   

Queenstown, New Zealand

The first stop on our remote winter wonderland journey is down under. Queenstown is known for its incredible skiing and snowboarding on the Remarkables Mountain Range, which is located near the gorgeous Lake Wakatipu. If you are not much of a snow bunny, the view of the mountain range from the lake is enough to take your breath away (if the freezing air doesn’t first).

Gullfoss, Iceland

Gullfoss is an Icelandic waterfall that is in the canyon of the Hvítá river and is one of the more popular destinations in the region. The two tier waterfall descends 32 meters (105 feet) down. The freezing cold water comes from the great Langjökull glacier, so the mist that sprays from the waterfall is truly refreshing. Because of this, visitors are urged to bring waterproof clothing in order to fully experience the magnificence of Gullfoss. 

Lake Baikal, Russia

Our adventure brings us to the frozen tundra of Russia. Despite the stereotypes that are foisted upon this area, there are many gorgeous natural features that should not be overlooked. One such a place is Lake Baikal, which is known for being the oldest existing freshwater lake on Earth, as well as being the deepest continental body of water. The lake teems with flora and fauna due to the fact that the climate in the area is relatively more mild. 

Jigokudani Monkey Park, Japan

Perhaps one of the most unique and well known of our featured destinations is Jigokudani Monkey Park in Japan. You may be familiar with the images of Japanese Macaques bathing in the hot springs, but the park has quite a bit more to offer. The juxtaposition between the steaming springs that exist because of volcanic activity and the bright white snow that comes along with the park’s elevation of 850 m (2,800 ft) is truly a sight to behold.

Midway, Utah, USA

Nestled in the Western United States, Midway is your gateway to what seems like another world. From here, visitors can easily access the incredible Homestead Crater. It is a “geothermal hot spring that was created over 10,000 years ago as melting snow went deep into the earth and percolated upward from being heated by the earth’s interior.” You really just have to see it to believe it, and there are many different ways to do so. Additionally, Midway is known for its incredible “ice castles”, which bring fairytales to life. 

Comment below which place you are most amazed by, or any other places that must be explored and experienced in the winter months.


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